
Ailsa Dawson

Buying off the plans

Recently I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ben Macky, Founder, and CEO from Wallace & Stratton to discuss the pros and cons of ‘buying off the plans’. I was keen to gather insights from local experts in this

Why property pressure will keep simmering during 2021
Steve Hart

Property pressure will keep simmering during 2021

When it comes to real estate trends and forecasts for 2021, the picture won’t be too different to 2020 according to industry experts who spoke to homes.co.nz. The most comforting prediction for buyers is that the market may be less frantic

The Data Team - homes.co.nz (Tom Lintern - Chief Data Scientist)

homes.co.nz Monthly Property Update – December 2020

$1.46 Trillion and growing… Although challenging for most, 2020 has certainly been an interesting year for the New Zealand property market. Contrary to what many predicted, the market has rebounded from the Covid lockdown and we’re now seeing record prices

Shanon Aitken

Healthy Home Standard challenges in a Body Corporate

Is your investment property in a multi-unit dwelling? If so, meeting the Healthy Homes Standards might prove challenging. We talk about complications, the procedures to follow for best practice and potential exemptions in this article. What Are The Healthy Homes

Luke Havler

Why Sunset Clauses are important for purchasers

On 26 October 2020, Stuff.co.nz published an article (link below) concerning first home buyer, Bailey Ross. Ross had signed a contract to purchase a house, but according to the article, “was left heartbroken when the developer of the house she’d


Dare to be bold in your living space

If you’re after living spaces that are up to date, but don’t want to drown in a sea of Scandi-inspired white, there are plenty of other ways to go. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be painting your walls in savage


Decorating inspiration for living rooms

The living room often functions as a hub of activity for your home, especially when blessed with sight lines to the kitchen, so it makes sense to make it one of the comfiest and most up-to-date rooms in the house.


Bring out the best in your bedroom

It can often be the forgotten room of the house, but the significance of great bedroom design is undeniable. The amount of time we spend in the boudoir boosts the importance of creating a pleasant, welcoming atmosphere throughout. It’s the


What does your bedroom colour say about your personality?

We all have power colours that we tend to gravitate toward. These colours work their way into things like our wardrobe, our car choices and the way we decorate our homes. But that makes us wonder, what do these colours

The Data Team - homes.co.nz (Tom Lintern - Chief Data Scientist)

homes.co.nz Monthly Property Update – November 2020

New Zealand’s most tightly held areas  The supply of housing stock continues to be an issue right across the country. Fewer properties for sale and strong demand for housing are resulting in record prices. With limited supply being a major

Tony Alexander

REINZ & Tony Alexander Real Estate Survey – October 2020

In this month’s REINZ and Tony Alexander survey, agents say that they are seeing more people attending Open Homes, while a net 38% report more people at auctions. Prices are seen as rising by a net 88% and FOMO (fear

Steve Hart

Expats and first-home buyers buoy regional markets

Thirty houses on a new sub-division in Masterton will go some-way to addressing the area’s housing shortage says Anita Baker of Baker & Co. She sold a 3 hectare block of land to a developer on the day we spoke

The Data Team - homes.co.nz (Tom Lintern - Chief Data Scientist)

homes.co.nz Monthly Property Update – October 2020

Cheapest streets in the most expensive suburbs With property values continuing to increase, there are now 120 “million dollar” suburbs around the country. The majority of these are in Auckland, with 102 suburbs in the city having a median HomesEstimate

Anita Shirley

Understanding Eco product choices available for your home

When building or renovating our homes, we now need to look at the long term environmental impact of the materials we are bringing into it. From carpet, hard flooring, window treatments, paints, furniture fabric, insulation and kitchens – just choosing a product can be confusing!