Dunedin median house price by suburb

Which suburb in Dunedin has the highest HomesEstimates?

Mount Grand at $888k

While that may be skewed by a low volume of homes, the next highest is Blackhead at 742k followed by Saddle Hill at $740k.

Further out, we find The Cove sitting at $731k and Chain Hills at $729k

What about the cheapest suburbs?

Lookout Point at $259k

Followed by South Dunedin & Caversham sitting at $279k and $305k respectively.

Kensington and Forbury also part of this list,  at $317k and $317k respectively.

Browse through our interactive chart below and see how your suburb stacks up.

Updated – September 2019

The Data Team - homes.co.nz

The Data Team - homes.co.nz

The homes.co.nz data team is in the know when it comes to the property market. If you have a burning question for the homes.co.nz data team, send it through to insights@homes.co.nz and we’ll take a look!

The Data Team - homes.co.nz

The homes.co.nz data team is in the know when it comes to the property market. If you have a burning question for the homes.co.nz data team, send it through to insights@homes.co.nz and we’ll take a look!

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