May product update

This month we are excited to announce some big updates to our product. The focus has been around improving how we display data to improve the experience for every user.

Homes Inspiration new look and feel

Browse thousands of listing images to be inspired for your next home renovation project. Dive into a specific category (Kitchen, Bathroom, Living or Bedrooms) and see what you can find. To view more images you just need to scroll, no more clicking left or right viewing only a few images at a time.

Solar Estimate range

Our solar estimate is now a range, giving you better clarity on the value of power that your home could generate with a Harissons Solar System.

List and map interactions

Highlight a properties location on the map by hovering on cards in the list.

Listed date added to For Sale properties

Get a better sense of how long a property has been on the market by checking the listed date now at the top of the property page.

Scroll through images in property cards

A long-awaited feature. Easily preview the photos of a property that is for sale or sold without needing to open the whole page.

Help us shape the future of

Do you have any questions about these new features or an idea of how we can improve our product? Feel free to email your suggestions to